
Baden MENSCHENSTADTGESCHICHTEN (Baden PEOPLE-CITY-STORIES) is a twenty-minute cinematic tribute to the small city on the River Limmat, and takes you through ten authentic, touching short stories with emotional moments experienced first-hand at various places across town. All of the stories end in a spectacular finish that can only happen this way in Baden.

Lots of commuters and guests to the city know too little about Baden. This film has surprises in store for these very people in the film’s touching stories and great images, some seen from a completely new perspective.

Local companies were an important target group in the new city film – “We want to give companies something to help draw their new employees into their new place of work and home in a personal, emotional, and surprising way,” said Thomas Lütolf, patron’s representative and head of Baden’s location marketing department.

Baden MENSCHENSTADTGESCHICHTEN (Baden PEOPLE-CITY-STORIES) is a long-term project to grow and change with the city, which is why Avista Films and the City of Baden plan to keep updating the film, and why we’re looking for new stories and new partners.


Project team

Hubert Staubli | Producer, Project manager
Michael Spindler | Director, Cameraman, Editor
Thomas Lütolf | Patronage Stadt Baden